
Every once in awhile, we’ll drop some of our fave quick hit Squarespace tips/tricks/hacks for all you inquiring minds that want to know…a Squarespace “duh,” if you will.

Tyler taught me this trick the other day, and not to get all dramatic, but its kind of changed my life: ESC to login from any screen on your Squarespace site! This works from A-N-Y page on your site…just hit ESC, and tada, a login screen will pop up.

You know where I was going!?—to the Squarespace home page! [you hear that?? That’s the sound of everyone in the office laughing their faces off at me].

Bonus: Under your “website managment” dashboard, there are some rad login/logout buttons you can simply drag to your browser toolbar. They’re under “tools and goodies” in the Support column (all the way over the right).

What are some of your favorite Squarespace Hacks?